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Utställning skogen, banren kör skotare
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Experience togheter

Norrbotten is great!

Experience it all, under the same roof

Explore and learn more about deep mines and outer space, the food of Norrbotten or what makes our region a perfect place for a data center. You can drive and operate a truck, a train, a snow-scooter, a timber loader or an airplane. And much more. Why not enter the world of VR and experience a shift in the mines or at the steel mill? Welcome to explore freely and dream big at Teknikens Hus!

Barn leker tillsammans i utställningen bygglek

What to expect in Teknikens Hus


Everything is energy!

What is energy and how can we use it? In the exhibition "Drivkraft," you'll learn more about exactly that. Here, you can charge your phone by running in a hamster wheel, build dams and make the turbine spin, step into the role of a wind power technician – and much, much more!

Barn kollar på utställning om solenergi

Mining and geology

A trip down the mines

The mining and geology exhibition takes off in earth's creation and geological exploration. After a trip down the mines with the mini bus, the Norrbotten mining story continues.

Utställning gruva, barn spelar VR

Data center

Experience the data center from within through film and experiment with the cooling of the center. The cool climate, the stable electricity grid and the availability of renewable energy were crucial for the decision to build data centers in Norrbotten. 

Build togheter

Bygglek is a workplace that inspires the kids to play togheter. Arrange and build, helmet on and shoes off!

Port of Luleå

Luleå harbour is the largest bulk goods port in Sweden. In Teknikens Hus you can captain radio-controlled boats in the harbour area with its six quays.

Forestry and paper

Welcome to nature

The raw material of the forest gives us paper, cardboard and many kinds of paper products.
The forest provides wood to build with. Waste can be refined to fuel or burn and provide electricity. Here is the story about modern forestry, harvesting and refining.

Utställning skogen, pojke testar maskinerna

Food and math

Dinner is served

Inside the exhibition MatRätt, the children can visit the animals at Nästgårds farm or work in the shop Gyllene snittet, where they can play and use their mathematical skills.

Utställning Maträtt, Barnen tittar in i kameran

Iron and steel

In the steel plant you can follow the entire process from raw materials to steel products. The molten iron is emptied from the blast furnace and transported to the LD oven
in torpedo cars. In the LD process, the i ron becomes steel.


Norrbotten's space industry is an exciting future field. Rockets with experiments are launched into space. In the Planetarium at Teknikens Hus, you can learn about the planets, the sun, the moon and the satellites in several exhibits.

Energy and water

The river water provides energy for the processing of other raw materials.With its flow from the mountains through the woodland down to the coast, water is central atTeknikens Hus.